Thursday 19 February 2009

Colour Key thumbnails

Despite getting home later than planned, last night I doodled some colour keys for a music video I'm planning on doing once I've completed the one I'm animating right now.


Colour keys are one of the earliest stages in my pre-production process, usually immediately after I come up with the basic story ideas.


For whatever reason, I've started exploring the colour narrative for this music video, before drawing the storyboard. A first for me. I can't offer a proper explanation for this other than it just feels better to be doing it this way for this idea.


Not wanting to give anything away, I'll just say that colour will be driving the story forward more than any other element in this video. Colour is the main navigator (I prefer narrator) through the movements in the music.

Here's the full piece, as told through a colour script:


I hardly ever share pre-production work before the final piece is complete and done the rounds, but I think I'll make an exception in this case, again, it just feels ok to share this from an early stage.

More on this project soon.

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