Monday 14 January 2008

Drawing Week: January pt. 4: Short Poses

Some sketches from last Tuesday's life drawing class:

(10 mins)

(10 mins)

I always prefer starting the day with short poses. I find spending the entire morning on several 10-15 minute poses is a good way to "warm up" and get into the swing of things.

(12 mins)

(15 mins)

Regardless of how long a pose is held, there's always a danger of becoming complacent and not looking at the pose enough when drawing it - i.e. you've really got to see what's happening with the body. The less time you have to spend on the drawing, the easier it is to identify the most important, essential elements of the pose. Sometimes all you need to get correct is the twist in the spine or the tilt in the head or just the placement and angle of the feet...any of these on their own can be enough to describe the action.


  1. hey Rafi,

    long time no speaak. How are you? How's life after AM? lol good that you got into life drawing i want to get back to that too. I saw on the wacom forums that you got a 12wx cintiq, i ve been reading awful reviews and complaints about them, are you happy?

    anyway lets meet up on some point!

    take care Ismini

  2. Hey Ismini! Great to hear from you, yes it has been some time since AM. Things are good, I've got a couple of shorts in pre-production as well as some character design stuff happening too. Demand for art direction is pretty high aswell, so it's all go!

    How're things with you?

    I do have a Cintiq 12wx, and I must admit I've had no trouble with it. PAP (plastic animation paper) was a little tricky to configure at first, but it's fine now - I only use the Cintiq now for PAP, it's really made things much more intuitive for hand-drawn animation.

    I love working in Painter with it, there's no lag and accuracy is spot-on.

    I know the comments you're referring to on the wacom forums, but as I say, I haven't had those problems, and having now fixed the PAP issues, the cintiq is a dream to work with.
